Your Pill Pedal Team
We're David and Eglė. We are The Pill Pedal!
David Koch Creator of The Pill Pedal. Multi-instrumentalist, producer, synth fetishist and sound engineer. Years of his passionate and intense research have resulted in The Pill.
Eglė Šalkauskyte Support and development in design, brand identity and marketing. A curious mind for the further development of the Pill Pedal and the connection with the Pill Pedal community.
Hearing how musicians all over the world are inspired by this pedal is one of the most rewarding things we can experience in the journey of making this product.
Thank you for all the enthusiastic feedback!
If you are as excited as we are, please share this with your friends, it really does make a difference.


When I was living in Lucerne, Switzerland, I rented a trailer to use as a studio. One night I realised that there was no effect pedal that did exactly what I wanted. That same night I started working on a prototype.
When I first tested it, I was blown away by the sound. It was more alive than I had ever imagined. I knew I had to continue with this project and make it available to other musicians. It became my passion and I couldn't stop working on it.
The biggest challenge was to keep the vibe of that original prototype and build it into a more solid product. The character and spirit of the Ducking Curve was pure magic to me and I worked hard to preserve it and made it my first priority. The mojo of that ducking successfully made it into the final product!
In March 2017, I released a limited edition of 30. It was the forerunner of The Pill, made for my musician friends. I received overwhelmingly excellent feedback. To make it available to as many musicians as possible, I successfully launched a Kickstarter campaign for The Pill Pedal in April 2019.
Between 2019 and 2023, I've produced 10 batches of pedals and sold them all over the world. The pedal is part of on-stage and studio set-ups of artists such as Justin Bieber, Imagine Dragons, Kylie Minogue, Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendez, Dua Lipa, Harry Styles and many more.
In 2023 I decided to completely redesign the pedal. I was hungry for a new layout and tried to incorporate as many of the community's wishes as possible. After more than a year of development, the current version was born, with additional features like the ability to manually fire trigger signals with your fingertip. Of course, the original sound is still there. How could I ever change that...
It was at this stage of development that Eglė joined me. I couldn't be happier to have this inspiring person on board! We're two now, be prepared for many more beautiful things to come :)